One-Hour French Bread
1½ cups warm water
1 tablespoon honey
1½ teaspoons salt
1½ tablespoons Active Dry Yeast
3 - 4 cups flour (any combination of white and whole wheat)
Preheat oven 450º. Combine water, salt, honey, and yeast in a medium bowl. Let sit 5 - 10 minutes, until bubbling. Add flour, stirring with a wooden spoon, until dough is no longer sticky (I'll sometimes dump the dough out onto the cutting board with what flour is in the bowl and roll it around,adding a bit more flour, until it's not sticky). Roll dough into a 12 - 14" roll (or you can divide it in half and roll it into two long skinny baguettes). Place dough roll(s) on a cookie sheet sprayed with non-stick spray, cover, and let sit 20 minutes. Make diagonal slits, 1/2" deep, on top with a razor blade. (Optional: spray with salt water). Bake 20 minutes.
I just made bread for the first time from scratch today, and I used this recipe. (but me being an air head I forgot the salt, lol). It still came out really good. Thanks for sharing this recipe, even a novice like me, while making mistakes was able to make an awesome loaf of bread.
That's wonderful! Thanks for the feedback! Great photo, by the way :-)
Sadge - I made your bread recipe this weekend & loved it! And it will soon be time to make more... Delicious!! And so fast & easy. Thank you so much for sharing it. With your permission, I'm going to pass it along to my two daughters...
Also, I used to live in Pocatello, ID - also high desert country. Grew wonderful tomatoes & herbs down there. Not that I've moved further north, and to a lower elevation, I'm having to change some of my gardening techniques.
I'm enjoying your blog, and check back regularly to read.
Carla in North Idaho
Have to share this: I moved up here in the middle of January. One early spring morning, I wondered if it had rained during the night because the grass was so wet (actual drops of moisture). Turns out, I had forgotten what dew looked like - didn't have any of that in Poc. (smile)
Hi Sadge,
I found your blog via a comment you left on re your French bread. I'll be trying this tomorrow, thanks!
Thank you for posting this recipe! I will try it tonite. =)
Hi there! I'll be using this recipe for a cooking class that I co-teach in our homeschool co-op. The class is an hour long, so this recipe, with its very basic ingredients is perfect! I tested it out last night with some corn soup for dinner (half whole wheat and half unbleached white), and it turned out great. Thanks!
this is an awesome recpie - my husband really liked it (and he will tell me whether to use the recpie again) its easy and fast - and its good - my daughter, who does not bake can do this one.
Oh man, that bread was SO GOOD! Really loved the consistency of it and warm, crusty french bread in one hour ~ amazing!
Thanks for posting this :-)
Which flour do I use bread flour or all-purpose flour for the recipe?
I usually just use all-purpose flour. Starting with 2 cups whole wheat and then make up the remaining amount with unbleached white flour gives me the best results. Just don't use a pastry flour - it doesn't have enough gluten for the dough to rise
Thank you for posting this. Husband and family really enjoyed it. Husband said he found a new favorite.
Found your recipe today and made two small loaves out if the recipe to go with the least soup that's been bubbling away all day. Thank you for a fantastic add to my dinner table.
Worked perfectly. my eight year old loves bread, and I had her measure and mix and form the loaf. I have made bread for years, and more recently have been doing long fermented doughs, but today I wanted something quick to have, and something my kid could handle. perfect.
If/when I make it again, I will up the salt a bit, let it rise a bit longer, and maybe try an egg wash.
Should I use 3 or 4 cups of flour? It seems like a big difference.
It can depend on what kind of flour you're using, and humidity can play a part. I stir in 3 cups, and then usually dump the 4th on the counter when rolling the dough around - until it makes a smooth ball that doesn't stick to my hands.
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