I used the last of my stored eggplants when I made lasagne a couple of days ago. The stored zucchini are still holding very nicely. I cut, peeled and de-seeded, then shredded two-thirds of one - half going into the lasagne, and made zucchini brownies today with the other half. The shredded storage zuke was a bit drier than summertime ones, so I added a splash of milk to the recipe.
The Walla Walla onions just barely made it through last fall's canning season, but they were so big it made processing easy. I still have some white Ringmasters left in storage. But maybe every third one of those has started to get soft in the center, so I'm watching those closely and using them up quickly now. The Red Zeppelins didn't get very big, but they're still storing nicely. And I haven't even started on the Copras. Last Spring's onion combination order has worked out very well.
I cut the last of the chard, kales, and broccoli a few weeks ago, before our nighttime temps dropped into single digits. Washed, dried, wrapped in dish towels, then bagged, they're stored in the refrigerator and still look as fresh as when I picked them. It's nice having some fresh greens to add to winter recipes. I left the plants out in the garden but everything, other than the leeks, is looking pretty shriveled out there now.
So, going into the new year, we'll finally be eating the traditional storage foods - apples, carrots, winter squashes, and cabbages (didn't get a potato or beet crop this year), fermented stuff (sauerkraut and pickles), and our dehydrated, frozen, and home-canned fruits and veggies. Life is good.
Great job carefully storing everything!
Excellent! What is the temperature in your storage area?
good job on the storage. your days are getting longer and ours are getting shorter. I have started the canning so that we have produce from the garden during the long days of winter. we are lucky here though as our winters are mild enough that we can still grow crops, so broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages and kale will go in and feed us during the cooler winter months.
I sure do like this blog. I've been following it, then forgot to add it to my favorites, and finally ran across a reference to it in "Down to Earth" by Rhonda in Australia. Thanks for this inspiration. I like the gardening and your house and the way you make a nice life with what you have. Thanks again!
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